Viagra Boys “Cave World”

Viagra Boys “Cave World” 2022. YEAR0001 Records, red vinyl. Swedish post-punk that adds gobs of saxophone plus some 80’s bleep-bloop electronic new wave and totally ass-shaking beats. Cave World is Viagra Boys’ third LP; it went to #57 in the UK (but to #2 on the UK indie chart) and to #17 in their native Sweden. We just picked up this record a couple of days ago so this is my first listen…and I love it. Low, snarly vocals with clever lyrics, relentlessly danceable beats, alternative yet accessible. My top tracks are the aforementioned 80’s bleep-bloop’d Devo-styled “Troglodyte,” “Punk Rock Loser” which is super-funny and ass-shaking, the “new rave” and hard-rocking “Ain’t No Thief,” and “Big Boy” which has a super-bluesy/funky groove. Some tracks veer into super-weird, like the conspiracy theoried “Creepy Crawlers” and “The Cognitive Trade-Off Hypothesis” (they rail against those folks btw: Viagra Boys recorded the album during the height of anti-vaccine hysteria) which feel quite Bowie-inspired. I will definitely be listening to this LP again. They are playing Chicago this upcoming weekend but other responsibilities prevent us from seeing them this time ’round.