Wanda Jackson “Wanda Jackson”

Published On: October 20, 2022Tags: , , , ,

Wanda Jackson “Wanda Jackson” 1958. Today, October 20th, is Wanda Jackson’s 85th birthday (b. 1937). Wanda Jackson is her debut record and it mixes country music, 50’s style pop and rockabilly while prominently featuring her distinctive clear soaring voice that frequently gives way to an exuberant growl. I adore Wanda Jackson, the Queen of Rockabilly, ever since I got hooked on her 1960 release Rockin’ With Wanda in the early 90’s when Joe gave me the tape. My favorite songs from her s/t release are the rockin’ ones: “Long Tall Sally” originally recorded and co-written by Little Richard in 1956, the rollicking piano-forward “Money, Honey” (written by Jesse Stone who is best known for “Shake, Rattle and Roll”) and “Let’s Have a Party,” first recorded by Elvis Presley for the movie Loving You in 1957. Jackson’s version was released as a single in 1960, hitting #37 in the US and #32 in the UK (Elvis’ initially went to #2 in the UK in ’57). We saw Jackson play at Cactus Club a few years ago – anywhere from 10-20 years, it’s super fuzzy – and it was incredible. She told stories about dating Elvis briefly in the 50’s, her experience as a woman breaking barriers in the music business and, of course, sang some of her most beloved songs from the early days of rock.