White Denim “Live at Third Man”

White Denim “Live at Third Man” 2011. Third Man Records, recorded “live to tape” on April 1, 2011. Southern-fried garage rock meets Grateful Dead swirly noodling psychedelia. Complex hallucinogenic solos (like on “Burnished” and “Drug” – go figure) transport me back to the late 80’s/early 90’s when I went through my Dead phase, hopping around the Midwest for concerts, doing the hippie-girl dance. Haha – it’s awesome! “Burnished” (which also injects some Roger Daltrey swagger in the vocals) is from White Denim’s 2011 LP D, as are most of the other songs they performed on the Third Man stage, practically in album order. They lead off with D‘s opener “It’s Him” and then run through the tracklist, only injecting the hard-edged “Say What You Want” (from the 2009 album Fits) into the mix midway through Side A. White Denim shakes up the order a bit on Side B, moving the lovely lilting World Music tinged “River to Consider” a bit later in the performance and adding in the aptly titled ass-shaker “Shake Shake Shake” from their debut LP Workout Holiday (2008). Also of note is the rocker (with noodling!) “Bess St.

I’ve been a very casual White Denim fan for quite awhile: I picked up their first EP Let’s Talk About It from 2007 probably that year or just slightly later after hearing the song “Let’s Talk About It.” I haven’t followed them closely since, only purchasing Corsica Lemonade (2013) on vinyl, though my iTunes library tells a different story – apparently I have four of their albums digitally.