X “Aspirations”

X “Aspirations” 1979/2024 reissue on red & white splatter, Dirt Cult Records/Green Noise Records. Australian punk – NOT the L.A.-based classic punk band but a classic nonetheless. Less polished, way snottier than their American counterparts, with accents! Tough, menacing, stomping, and often political, Aspirations is up there with the Sex Pistols, The Clash and yes, X, with must-owns for any classic punk collection. The opener “Suck Suck” is brutal, “Police” has tinges of reggae just like the UK punks like to sprinkle in, “Revolution” is a growling brawler, the bass-line of “Turn My Head” vibrates deep, a real ass-shaker (like literally quivers the tailbone), “Waiting” is a tortured screaming dirge, reminiscent of Germs’ “Shut Down,” and “I Don’t Wanna Go Out” is an absolute banger, the bass-line a direct nod to the Peter Gunn series theme song by Henry Mancini. Even if you think you’ve never heard of Aussie X, you probably do know this track (well, if you like/listen to punk).

YouTube isn’t cooperating to embed this video but it’s early/live(ish) X performing “I Don’t Wanna Go Out.”


Here’s a 2022 video of “Suck Suck” (not sure which band members are original, definitely not all of them: the bassist looks young enough to be the singer’s or guitarist’s son)